I’m not on Medium strictly to make money. That is, if I hit a nerve and end up producing a series of content that becomes wildly successful, leading to book deals and a Nobel prize, I’ll take it. But I’m not on here coldly calculating how to maximize my dollars.
I’m not on Medium to not make money, either. I don’t want to be completely unable to get revenue from a story if it becomes useful to a large number of people. And I pay my annual membership fee so that I can read more things, knowing that it also helps the people who write those things. So I joined the partner program. I have been somewhat remiss in writing lately, and the amount I earn is pennies. Maybe dollars over the course of a year.
If you are reading this because of my recent social media posts, and have begun following me: Thank you!
I made those posts because Medium sent me an email:
At first, I was incensed. How dare they impose requirements on such short notice? Then I thought about it. Below a certain level, it probably costs them money. It’s still a little annoying, but I thought, hey, why not try to get 100 followers?
So, my friends, thank you again. I’m taking your response seriously and I’ll step up how much I write here. I hope to write things that are interesting enough to merit your following me.
Thank you.